Thank you so much Antonia for all your amazing sessions, top tips and recipes this year I love working with you, you are like a breath of fresh air! ND, Intuit
"We found Antonia’s sessions incredibly helpful - she shared many insights and a lot of useful learning. She also kept everyone focused but comfortable enough to ask questions. We will be arranging another longer session with her in the future."
SG Kambi Grp plc
The Corporate Wellness landscape is changing rapidly! Whilst some companies are still just getting off the blocks, others have dedicated Workplace Wellness leads who are doing an amazing job of bringing together a range of content and events to suit all of their colleagues in some way. This is no mean feat! With remote working and international time lines, it can be tough to co-ordinate, choose content that is relevant and interesting and succeed in bring folk together under the common cause of 'wellness.'
Nutrition content is popular quite simply because every has to eat, and everyone knows that a bad diet can affect all areas of one's health. People are also genuinely interested in the science of nutrition - how our body is affected, what deficiencies can do and the best ways to correct them. From energy & blood sugar balancing to immune support & managing stress, there is plenty to talk about, and happily, the changing of the seasons lends it's own flavour - what's important nutrition and lifestyle wise in the Winter is markedly different in the warmer months.
Awareness days provide great context and structure throughout the year, and it's useful to be able to focus the collective mind in this way. Here are a few that I will be working around in 2024:
The talks I deliver (see below) cover many aspects of health that are relevant to the workplace. Avoiding burnout, balancing stress & hormones, boosting winter mood & immunity, understanding the landscape of our body's systems and staying young and healthy. These talks take my audience through the science of the subject, directly into solution mode, with clear guidance on the nutrients and key lifestyle hacks that are easiest to implement.
Weirdly, I look forward to January as I love to deliver my annual Beat Blue Monday event for one client - this year we are running a Smoothie Making live session. Fantastic!
As well as the talks there are the Pop-Up clinic sessions, which work really well, as well as the Seasonal Health Challenges, next one being my January Cleanse that starts Jan 15th.
As a nutritionist I am passionate about engaging & educating people about smart nutrition and all the delicious ways we can lead long, happy, disease free lives!
If you would like some help figuring the next stage of your Corporate Wellness schedule, feel free to drop me a line. My current talks are below:
Book a call in with me to find how you can improve health and wellbeing in your workplace with nutrition: